Tasty Temptation Disclaimer

This blog is for educational purposes only. Not a real business.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Tasty Temptations is on Facebook!
Tasty Temptations Facebook Ads!
 With our ads we are aiming at anyone in the mood for a delicious treat or anyone looking for a new way to liven up the food at a party/event.

Here we are trying to entice the moms we love to serve.  Also we want to appeal to our older generation, while we bring in the next ones.  Because bakery's appeal to such a large demographic the trick becomes how to do ads appealing to each demographic.
Try our homemade bread!

Pulling in the younger generation, targeting the afterschool crowd that goes to Polito's, the library, etc.  Ads containing upbeat pictures of younger employees, of fun desserts will appeal to this demographic.
Tasty Temptations Peaches!

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